The Waterloo Region MashUp: Where industries collide (and collaborate)
This Wednesday, September 28, I’ll be speaking at the Waterloo Region MashUp. Dash Digital Group (a long time Coaching Co. partner) hosts this gathering for a wide range of professionals to get together and share about industries, ideas and innovation that would usually never meet.
The sessions consist of two speakers collaborating, debating or sharing about a concept or industry, but this month, we’ll be establishing a bit of a foundation for sessions going forward. The group will vote on topics they’re most interested in hearing about (or contributing to!) then I’ll be leading a sample dialogue on managing my own change - from industry to consulting.
Social element aside, this group suits The Coaching Co. mantra well – every great coach needs a coach of their own, and the Waterloo Region MashUp happens to consist of a room full of people who are there to lend thoughts, ideas and experiences that fit the bill. Fantastic problem solvers, innovators, industry leaders and mentors gather to share ideas, wine, and encouragement in a region that can only benefit from such collaboration.
If you’re interested in attending the MashUp or have ideas for it, get in touch, and I’d be happy to put you on the list!