The secret psychology of moving from employee to entrepreneur
We all have people who inspire us. These are our go-to’s when we need inspiration, knowledge, information, or answers to questions.. In today’s world, where we’re inundated with clever things to see and read (blogs, articles, videos, posts etc.), it becomes even more important to find voices that offer just-in-time value and information.
The 'Gig Economy'
The 'Gig Economy". Like it (or lump it), it's here to stay. Organizations that are thinking about how to get this 'gig thing' right will be the ones with their pick of the transient talent pool. Firstly, what is this?
Learning is a lifelong process
Thank goodness learning doesn’t end after school. I recently spent a most enlightening week attending Bregman Leadership Coach training in the U.S., and though I knew the program would be very good, I didn’t expect it to be transformational.
Gen Z will soon be in charge, let's make sure they're ready
Call me old fashioned, but I’m a believer that the next cohort -- whether you call them Gen Y, Gen Z, iGen, Posts, Homeland Generation, ReGen, Plurals or The Founders -- will benefit from a practical and engaging business education beyond that which is offered by our standard school programs. Junior Achievement fills that gap.
Five reasons why you should hire an executive coach
This might sound like a marketing plug but “why should I hire an executive coach?” is easily one of the questions I am asked most often. I usually respond with a few questions: Would you expect to become a top athlete without a coach? Would you surround your children with educators to help them reach their potential?
The Waterloo Region MashUp: Where industries collide (and collaborate)
This Wednesday, September 28, I’ll be speaking at the Waterloo Region MashUp. Dash Digital Group (a long time Coaching Co. partner) hosts this gathering for a wide range of professionals to get together and share about industries, ideas and innovation that would usually never meet.
Is your organizational structure aligned with your business strategy?
I have been lucky enough to work with some great organizations in my career. Some of the best results came from looking deep into the organization and identifying symptoms that led to a better understanding of the problem, and the solution.
Playing my biggest game yet: How the Coaching Co. came to life
After years of hearing the suggestion that I marry my aptitude for people and business into a consulting service offering, I decided to focus my attention to help make individuals, teams and organizations better. This is what brought the The Coaching Co. to life and firmed my commitment to play my biggest game yet.